NEW X10 CHINK Camera Mount
Introducing the most exciting and significant Camera product of the year! It's the NEW X10 CHINK camera mount.
The NEW X10 CHINK camera mount and controller allows you to move your NEW X10 CHINK camera mount from left to right, up and down! With the X10 ScanPad Remote, you can remotely move the position of your NEW X10 CHINK camera mount to monitor whatever you want! With its Ultra Sweep & Scan™ feature you can put your NEW X10 CHINK camera mount on auto-pilot to sweep between 4 preset locations, perfect for any occassion: Weddings, School Plays, Bar Mitzvahs, Trips to the Andes, bring your NEW X10 CHINK camera mount with you wherever you go.
Incredible 240º x 130º Pan 'n Tilt Range - Now you can easily control remotely what your camera is looking at; Pan 240 degrees left to right (31 seconds per cycle) and tilt 130 degrees up and down! (15 seconds per cycle). Amazingly smooth & fluid movement! Perfect for at-home surveillance. Your NEW X10 CHINK camera mount set on 'auto mode' will automatically sweep thru 4 stored positions (ex. front driveway, street, front lawn, and front door area.) Great for monitoring an entire 240 degree area when you're not home!
X10 CHINK ScanPad Remote (Not-Included) .
(This post is dedicated to Anastasia Beaverhausen. I know how much she hate these mother-fuckers!)
I hate the motherfuckers too.. almost as much as I despise the 'GAYS'.
But me being an avid photographer, I'm genuinely intrigued
Where can I purchases one?
"I purchased one of these a couple weeks ago, and it did a fantastic job of shooting my home sex movies.. until it ran into a wall with an erection and broke the camera"
~Pinky_nip, Toledo, OH
Thanks Ninj, I hate those motherfuckers! My god they are EVERYWHERE in NYC!!! NOT EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING PHOTO OP!! GOD DAMN IT, GOD DAMN IT, GOD DAMN IT!!!!
...ok sorry. I got a little upset there.
I'd buy a chink tho. I'd make him prepare me sushi.
BTW, Lumps, you shouldn't be so *hard* on the gays (heehee)
Oh and Pinky. That's an outright lie. There is NO WAY a chink coulda ran into the wall with an erection. Everyome knows that chinks have small peckers, therefore the proportional length of the pecker would actually be smaller than the camera...well you get it.
I drank wayyyyy too much coffee this morning. sorry.
Anastasia... that was my point precisely, he ran into the wall with an erection and the camera broke, not the erection...
WTF! You blogger bastards! They nixed my vulgar avatar...
But they are no match for me muwahahahahahahhaa!!!!
Ps-sorry pink my bad :(
ooohhh did someone say hard!!!!!
Hi-eee Lumpykins!!!! I love you!!!!!
Hmmm Ana's avatar looks familiar, wanna give it a go lumpycheeks?????
Lumpy: Not in production yet. Only have the prototype, I found him in the back of 'Starcrest Cleaners' when I was picking up my dry cleaning, sure he was kicking and screaming at first, but when I put a camera in his hand it was like giving a baby a pacifier, mother-fucker is a robot, can go 24/7 non stop, so I thought I'd market his slanty eyed ass.
Pinky: I'll put that in my disclaimer. (P.s. I have a thing for hot chicks from Ohio. Holy Toledo... bet that's the first time you've heard that one before).
Beav: It's o.k. to hate as long as it is directed at the right people, which is pretty-much everybody. hmmm. (p.s. Lumpy is *Hard* on the gays <---funny. He's such a fucking homo-phobe. Don't worry Lumps you monkey-dick-bastard I'll dedicate someone hot for you tomorrow, so get over it, and remember you're not gay if Alek. sucks your dick.)
ninj., Turks and Caicos Islands
I agree Ninj. I mean I don't hate the chinks cos they are chinks, I hate them because they are constantly snapping pictures on busy NY streets holding up traffic while I am trying to walk.
If coons snapped pictures all day long I'd be pissed at them too.
And before some PC asshole jumps all over me...NO I do not hate coons.
Actually I love them. The coons steal the camera's from the chinks and tell sell them down at Washington Square to white folk like me for dirt cheap.
God Bless America...
Beav: You definitely are wound-up today. Feel free to spin around on my cock for a few hours to unwind.
Oohhh did someone say cock?!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lumpy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooooh did someone say speak? Faggot!
I was talking to Beav. now beat-it! Ass-goblin.
Ninja I forgive you. I know you don't mean it.
Hugs and sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is going on?!
Why are my two favorite guys fighting??
O.k. fine. Fagboy can stay.
Check this out Mr. Dicksucker I'm going to show you what ass-fucking is all about.
*Pulls off Beav's tear away sweat pants and bends her over the couch.*
Take a good look fucky! *Rams cock in Beav's ass* OOOOh fuck yeah, spread your... good... right there... good... OOOOO... WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM... OOOO fuck yes.... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
*((PHEW)) Wipes dick on couch pillow.*
That's how you fuck someone in the ASS! Got it! Hey, where did he go? Beav. What happened to your Fag? He was just standing right there!!? Hmmmm.
Beav. Still scared? Muhuhahaha!
Snuggle-Wuggles and Balloons
I can't find Alek. He and Guy are having some "problems" right now. And after that ass-fucking you gave me, I don't think he'll be around for a while.
As for me, scared? No. Intrigued, yes. (And a little excited in my pants I must say)
*Picks up Phone*
"Hello? Hello?"
"No I'm sorry she's not here!!!"
*Hands up phone*
Beav. is fine ass-munch! I didn't want you to know she was here. What happened to your gay pal? Heard you're having a queens battle. Reaaallly sorry. Beav's in the bathroom washing cum off her back. Have a seat over here on the couch. Relax. Here have a pillow. *Grins*
Oh I'm fine Guy.
I was upset about you and Alek....yeah...and uh....Ninj was just....uh....helping me out...yeah he was helping me work thru my feelings...yeah thats it.
Ninj Twzz has a blog!
She didn't even mention it!
Sexy AND modest!
Stallion--I love it. I especially love the whole "white power" thing when your avatar is of a black man hitting the crack pipe! Awesome!
Or, excuse me, "coon" for you PC people.
First time viewer. Love the site. Funny shit. And by shit I mean you :)
Do you know if they will soon be releasing the Porch Monkey's guide to roofing? I thought it would be a good read...
dmarie, you finally decided to grace us with your presence.
Ninja is harmless, once he got past his fat girl phase.
As you can see, we have quite the eclectic group of 'misfits.
We meet here,
or at Ferrets
or at the newest blogsite of the group, Twzzlrgirl. She's adorably cute.
Hope to see you on one of those.
I feel so warm and fuzzy with the warm welcomes...anyone up for a zen bath? LOL
dmarie, it looks like you and I are the only ones that are up.
If you'd feel more comfortable at your place, I'll meet you at "The Crazies".
I would, but do they sell George Clooney's cum in a toothpaste?
Stallion, meet us over at dmarie3543's
Click her name, we're under "the crazies" thread.
dmarie, for some reason I can't log on to your blog, so we might as well stay here.
Now we're playing blogger tag
Your it!!!
hmm...perhaps something is the matter with my you think some raghead saw it and put me on a hit list?
I don't know what the hell is wrong with my computer, but it seems to be working now.
Let's go back to 'the crazies' and continue.
HEY NINJA - I found you a new girlfriend. Check this crazy shit out.
Holy crap Ferret, I thought Ninja was the only "fattie lover" around here!
Ferret--that church of annette thing is WAY worse than my tubgirl/ goatse pics...
AB, they ain't no way worse then some of your avatars sister!
I like 'em!! (your avatars I mean)
Lumps--I put a post on my blog...I think its working...
LOL mr stallion i was making a joke so that the fairies may laugh.
sorry to have shall i apologize, sir?
dmarie, you're about as out there as Ninja, you'll fit right in here... and by in here, I mean your hand right here in my pants.
P.S. The baseball game is still in a weather delay.
I've been trying to find you ever since.
Zannas back!!!
Sorry for the delay...I was busy at work.
now I have a paper to write so there will be scant postings from me this evening...
:( sadness.
Stallion-I don't either so I guess it's not really important!
Aw thanks Ninj;)
Did someone say dicksucker?!?!?!?!?!
Hey people, the Walrus is back. (The non-trolling Walrus)
He stomped Lumpy Sludge to death with his Gumboot. (We all know how painful that can be)
I'm posting this on all the blogs I associate with.
Sorry for the repetition.
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